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Chronic joint pain can be debilitating. Find out how physical therapy can help relieve your aches and pains.

Have your joints been hurting you for a few months? Well, you’re not alone. “Joint pain plagues an increasing number of aging, often arthritic Americans, a new report finds. In 2002, about 10.5 million people in the United States said they battled severe joint pain, but by 2014 that number had jumped to 14.6 million, said researchers from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.”If you have chronic joint pain, Don’t ignore it. Give our office a call and set up an appointment with one of our certified physical therapists.

What Is Chronic Joint Pain?

The joints form where the ends of two bones meet, such as the elbow, knee and hip. Its components stabilize the joint and allow it to move freely. The joint components have a capsule, which is a sac that holds the joint. It’s filled with synovial fluid for lubrication. There is also cartilage that covers the ends of the bones in the specific joint. Chronic joint pain lasts for months and can even last a lifetime. Pain may range from moderate to severe.

Causes And Symptoms Of Chronic Joint Pain

One of the most common causes of chronic joint pain is arthritis. This includes rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis. Rheumatoid arthritis progresses slowly and typically affect the knees, hips, hands and wrists. It can cause inflammation, pain and fluid buildup. Other causes of chronic joint pain are:

  • Gout
  • An injury
  • Bursitis
  • Tendinitis
  • Over usage of a joint
  • Osteoporosis
  • Fibromyalgia

The symptoms of chronic joint pain generally include stiffness, inflammation and tenderness around the joint area, decreased range of motion and decreased mobility. If your joint pain persists for more than three days, it’s time to see a doctor.

How Physical Therapy Can Help Chronic Joint Pain

A physical therapist will custom tailor a therapeutic exercise program to strengthen your body, increase your mobility and reduce pain. Research has shown that there are improvements with long-term pain with exercise. Strengthening and weight-bearing activity increase joint lubrication. A physical therapist will focus on the surrounding area of the joint pain. For example, if you suffer from knee pain, the treatment plan will address impairments at the hip, ankle and lower back. All of these areas contribute to knee control and proper knee mechanics.

Manual therapies will be used to increase your mobility and to decrease your pain. This will likely include soft tissue mobilization and joint stabilization. Soft tissue mobilization is a hands-on technique that is used on muscles, fascia and ligaments. It breaks up any existing adhesions. The goal is to reduce swelling, decrease pain, restore functionality and improve range of motion. Research has found that these types of manual therapies are beneficial for those who suffer from chronic joint pain.

If you’re seeking relief from stiffness and chronic joint pain, our physical therapists can help. We use research-proven treatments for quick relief and help our patients get back to their normal lifestyle. Call our office today for a one-on-one consult and evaluation.

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